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Course Schedule

  /  Course Schedule


Fall 2023
BI520New Testament SurveyMike Morrison
CM503Christian CounselingTed Johnston
CM507Experiencing the TrinityLarry Hinkle
CM514Missional LivingCharles Fleming
TH503The Holy Spirit, the Church, and Last ThingsGary Deddo & Lance McKinnon
Spring 2024
BI510Old Testament SurveyJeannine Graham
BI523Acts of the ApostlesDan Rogers
CM501Foundations of Christian MinistryLance McKinnon
CM506Trinitarian Youth MinistryJeff Broadnax
CM510Polity of Grace Communion InternationalGreg Williams
TH502Jesus Christ, the Nature of Humans and SalvationGary Deddo
Summer 2024
BI501Biblical InterpretationMike Morrison
CH502Church History: The Second MillenniumSteve Dolson-Andrew
CM504Practice of MinistryTed Johnston
CM508Church Planting and DevelopmentTo Be Announced
CM513Trinitarian WorshipLance McKinnon
TH515Theological EthicsGary Deddo

Fall 2024
BI540Using Biblical Greek Study ToolsMike Morrison
CH501Church History: The First MillenniumSteve Dolson-Andrew
CM507Experiencing the TrinityLarry Hinkle
CM511HomileticsDan Rogers
FE501-3Field EducationRandy Bloom
TH507Theology of C.S. LewisGary Deddo

All schedules are tentative. If fewer than five students register for a course, it may be cancelled, at the discretion of the instructor. Thesis and Capstone courses are offered in all semesters.

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